I want to achieve my goals as much as anyone as well as facilitate the progression of the group in which I evolve and take care of the crews that embark change.
Commitment has always been and will remain a key marker of my professional career. It is THE value that I inherited from a long line of deep-sea fishermen. Courage, altruism and constancy are related values that fit into my engagement.
Authenticity is probably my greatest strength of character and my ancestors also have a lot to do with it. The people I meet in a private and professional context quickly trust me and feel comfortable expressing themselves openly, without them being able to tell me exactly why.
I firmly believe in the importance of alignment of thoughts – words – actions and make sure I apply them all day long. As a facilitator, I believe that authenticity enables a better collaboration within a project and team. Kindness and diplomacy are related values of high importance for me.
One of my mentors used to say that if we feel the need to make a long Powerpoint presentation or speech, it is probably a sign that a second thought is required. If we are in the right track, then it should be easy to explain to obtain approval.
I therefore always make sure to adopt a pragmatic and simple approach in my presentations and change-related activities, promoting dialogue and collective intelligence whenever it makes sense.
Interested in systemic coaching within organizations, I consider the importance to the homeostasis of the ‘living’ systems in a company before initiating a project phase. A small change can indeed generate a significant move elsewhere in the organization or at a later stage of the transformation process, potentially creating a bubble of resistance and impacting the project itself in one form or another.
By taking time to consider the meaning and plausible impact of a planned change has become a work habit and is an integral part of the key indicators within my change management cockpit.